Significant Global Settlement Against Contractor and Home Inspection Company in Construction Defect Lawsuit

Represented the purchaser of a home in Newton with significant construction and structural defects in claims against the seller of the home and the inspection company that conducted the inspection prior to the sale of the home. After moving into the home, the purchaser discovered extensive construction and structural defects present in the home’s foundation and addition, which were not disclosed by the seller or the inspection company in the final inspection report. Goldman & Pease drafted a seven-count complaint alleging claims of breach of contract, violation of M.G.L. c. 93A, negligence and negligent misrepresentation against the home inspection company and fraud, negligence and unjust enrichment against the seller. The parties engaged in extensive discovery before agreeing to mediate the case. At the mediation, Goldman & Pease obtained a significant global settlement favorable to purchaser which allowed purchaser to tear down and reconstruct the damaged areas of home.

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