Variance To Build a Parking Structure in South Boston

Dorothy A. Leblanc and Denise Leblanc v. Christine Araujo, Angelo Buonopane, Peter Chin, Michael Monahan, and Robert Shortsleeve, as they constitute members of the Board of Appeal for the City of Boston and Paul McCologan, Sr. and Benjamin Forde, Suffolk Superior Court, Docket Number 07-5353F.This was a 4 day trial. It was a de novo appeal to the Superior Court of the granting of a variance to the Defendants to build a parking structure in South Boston. The Plaintiffs, whom we represented, challenged the granting of the variance. Key issues in the trial were whether the Plaintiffs had “standing” to challenge the issuance of the variance as aggrieved parties. Whether the parking structure will diminish the Plaintiffs’ property value. Whether the proposed structure will impede and/or block natural sunlight onto Plaintiff’s property. Whether the proposed structure will cause problems with drainage resulting in flooding on Plaintiff’s property.

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