March 17, 2012 – Condominium Law and Legal Overview

March 17, 2012: 8:30 am – 9:30am
Community Associations Institute Leadership Basic TrainingProgram Brochure | Register for event
Holiday Inn and Suites of Marlborough, MA
265 Lakeside Avenue, Marlborough, MA 01752

Learn essential skills, understand relevant condominium laws and find out what’s challenging today’s condominium boards and owners at this full-day training program. Leave with new ideas, solutions to problems and a 150-page manual including sample forms, documents and helpful information for future reference. Interaction with industry professionals and other volunteer leaders provides the opportunity to ask questions, get detailed explanations and receive feedback from other volunteer board and committe members.

Attorney, Howard Goldman/Cameron Pease
Engineer, Matt Golbert
Manager, David Levy

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