January 19, 2012 – Zoning Reform in Newton and Needham

Sponsor: Jointly Presented by the Chamber’s Lawyers Council and its Economic Development Committee
When: Thursday, January 19th, 2012
Where: Mount Ida College – (Continuing Education Conference Room -New England Institute Building)
777 Dedham Street, Newton

$15 for Chamber members, $25 for Guests (includes Continental breakfast).

Zoning Reform is a hot topic of discussion generally within Massachusetts and even more so in Newton and Needham. Do our zoning ordinances and by-laws actual perform what we expect them to do? Do they provide the flexibility to meet many of the development challenges and market realities of the 21st century. Do they create opportunities or do they limit them? Come here a panel of experts who are intimately involved in efforts to modernize zoning in Newton Needham:

Panelists include:

Jason Rosenberg has been representing clients on zoning, permitting and land use matters since 1978 and is currently a member of the City of Newton’s Zoning Reform Group which recently transmitted its recommendations for reforming the City’s zoning ordinance.

Devra Bailin is the current Economic Development Director for the Town of Needham and was, as staff to Needham’s Council of Economic Advisors, instrumental in developing and advocating for recent amendments to the Needham Zoning By-law. She is a land use lawyer by education and training.

Ted Hess-Mahan has been an Alderman at Large in Newton since 2003 and has had substantial involvement in the development of the Zoning Ordinance in Newton during that time. He is the chairman of the Board of Aldermen’s Land Use Committee which is play a central role in reforming the Ordinance.

Howard Goldman:
He is the Moderator and currently serves on the Needham Zoning Board of Appeals for the past 8 years and is a former member of the Town of Needham Council of Economic Advisers. He is an active real estate law practitioner, practicing zoning, conveyance, development, condominium and finance matters with lenders, developers and private parties.

For more information or to register for this event, please visit www.nnchamber.com or contact Karen Ficcardi at the Chamber Office at 617-244-5300.

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